Q & A

Thirty minutes is our recommended wait time, however if your water sample is highly contaminated, the colour change will be visible faster. If your water turns clear, there is a high bacterial count, far above the acceptable 500 CFU/mL. In this case, there would be no further change and your result is final.
A pooled sample is not recommended because if the result indicates contamination, you will not know which of the samples was contaminated. You will then need to re-test each of the samples from the pool. Also, one sample may be slightly over the 500 CFU/mL limit, but mixed with other acceptable samples, the contamination may be lost. If left untreated, the waterline will quickly continue to grow biofilm and bacteria unnoticed until the next test.
Yes, Quick Check is compatible with all dental unit waterline cleaning products including the following commonly found ingredients: sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine gluconate, povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, ethanol, glutaraldehyde, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, silver nitrate, silver citrate, citric acid.
You can purchase a 3 test kit and a 12 test kit. For larger orders please email sales@exactblue.com